Monday, December 14, 2009

Summer4Souls™ Outreach in Cape Town

Our out-reach campaign for the summer gathers momentum this week with 2 planned evangelism events. On Wednesday the 16th December 2009 (public holiday), we will be at the Sunrise Circle flea market @ Muizenberg from about 12pm onwards. We will then move onto the general Muizenberg beach area and eventually end up at Surfer’s Corner. We anticipate ending at about 5pm. One2One witnessing and open air preaching will be on the menu.

The fact that Wednesday is Reconciliation Day creates a perfect springboard to talk to strangers and beach-goers about the necessity of being reconciled to God. It’s also getting closer to Christmas Day, so talking to people about their understanding of the day and what it means to them will also lead to great witnessing encounters.

Let me know if you are available – We will post a Praise Report and photos on our blog site after the event. Details of the 2nd trip will be communicated soon.

Your supplication, as always, is appreciated.


Nigel Titus
Cellular 083 642 4454