Monday, December 21, 2009

Project Ezra ~ The Gospel of John

On Saturday I attended a farewell for our dear family in Christ Regardt Reynolds, his wife Lynette and their son Leonard who are immigrating to Australia. It was a wonderful time spent fellowshipping and partaking in a real South African braai (what you would call a barbeque). We were unable to get a team together for the Project Ezra reading, and what would have been an ideal day for the reading then changed and the rain came.

Not to be deterred I waited for Sunday and although it was still fresh and cloudy, I went down into Alexandra Park in Pietermaritzburg in the afternoon where there was an event taking place known as 'Fantasia'. The event has a fun fair with big-wheel, swings, and other rides and there is a flea-market style set-up for people making their last effort bargain buys for Christmas. The location is in a rockery area with one main entrance. So this is the place where I took up 'residence' for the greater part of about 4 and a quarter hours.

Earlier I had prayed as the 'dreaded fear' was gripping me and I asked God to take control of the situation as I did not want to do anything in my own strength. I prayed for God to lead me and give me His strength to accomplish what He has already ordained.

God is Awesome!! I felt calm after praying to God for His protection and ventured out of my parked vehicle. It is so humbling to know God is in control of every situation. At this point I placed a pink parking ticket tract under the vehicles' windshield wipers and made my way along engaging some groups of people in one2three and more conversations. The boldness was increasing with every step I took - not because of any of my efforts, but by the grace of our loving Father.

Standing at the entrance allowed me to ask the questions: What is the REAL reason for the season? What does Christmas mean to you? Why was Jesus born and had to come into this world? What is going to happen to you the day you die? How will you stand before God on Judgment Day? There were many people that from their appearances you could see that they were Muslim or Hindu and there were those who just looked with blank expressions on their faces that spoke "What are you talking about?" Some people stopped and spoke to me which allowed me the opportunity to open the Perfect Law and the Gospel of Divine Grace to any hearers passing by, too.

It was a wonderful time spent preaching the Word of God to lost souls as our Lord Jesus gave me utterance. There were the professing Christians who would walk on by and say "I am saved" (but they were apparently indifferent to the plight of the lost) and then there were also Christians who encouraged the preaching of the Word of God. I did the Project Ezra reading from the Gospel of John from chapter 1 through 7 -- intermittently pausing in between chapters and verses to expound upon the Word of God, to open the Law and preach Grace through the Saviour of Who's birth we are celebrating. I also brought to the persons' attention that celebrating Christmas is not about Santa Claus, father Christmas, presents, Christmas trees and/or parties, but the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ -- Almighty God revealing Himself in the person of His Son to be the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29).

Many Gospel Tracts were handed out and even late in the evening some Muslim teenagers - who were initially upset by what I was saying that other religions are false - came over and engaged me in conversation while they waited for their lift. From not wanting to take a Gospel Tract at first, when they left I held out the tract to the one lad and said: "Come, take it, what have you got to lose? - read it and do with it as you want. But read it."

I thank God for His Goodness in allowing me to do His will -- not that I deserve to be used of the LORD. It is an awesome privilege to be able to speak the Word of God in public to those who are dying in their sin. The Truth the inhabitants of Pietermaritzburg heard last night is -- If you die in your sin because you have rebelled against God by breaking all His commandments and also because you have rejected God's Son the Lord Jesus Christ you will be punished for eternity. Your only hope is repenting of your sin and trusting in Jesus Christ for His finished work upon the cross to be your Saviour to save the repentant sinner. Jesus is to be both Lord and Saviour of your life. There is no other way to receive eternal life.

Friday, December 18, 2009

2010 FIFA World Cup Final™ Fixtures

The 2010 FIFA World Cup Final™ Fixtures have been compiled under each of the nine host cities so that the evangelists can start making plans for the days of each match and also those days when matches will not be played. The information provided is City, Date, Group / Match, Kick-off Time and Teams competing.

Please start praying, praying and praying some more for wisdom and God's leading for each match to take place, Lord willing, and how we are to be used of the Lord Jesus to reach the lost with the Law and the Gospel of Divine Grace.

Lord willing, pray and start setting aside the days, making reservations and getting your passports in order with visas. We hope to see you there on the streets and at the stadia ...

▸ Group Matches

11 June A 16h00 South Africa vs. Mexico
14 June E 13h30 Netherlands vs Denmark
17 June B 20h30 Argentina vs Korea Republic
20 June G 20h30 Brazil vs. Côte d’Ivoire
23 June D 20h30 Ghana vs. Germany
▸ Round of 16
27 June 2 20h30 Winner Group B vs. Runner-Up Group A
▸ Quarter-Final
02 July A 20h30 1 vs. 3
11 July 20h30 Winner I vs. Winner II

▸ Group Matches

12 June B 13h30 Argentina vs. Nigeria
15 June G 20h30 Brazil vs. Korea DPR
18 June C 16h00 Slovenia vs. USA
21 June H 20h30 Spain vs. Honduras
24 June F 16h00 Slovakia vs. Italy
▸ Round of 16
28 June 7 20h30 Winner Group G vs. Runner-Up Group H
▸ Quarter-Final
03 July D 20h30 6 vs. 8

▸ Group Matches
11 June A 20h30 Uruguay vs. France
14 June F 20h30 Italy vs. Paraguay
18 June C 20h30 England vs. Algeria
21 June G 13h30 Portugal vs. Korea DPR
24 June E 20h30 Cameroon vs. Netherlands
▸ Round of 16
29 June 8 20h30 Winner Group H vs. Runner-Up Group G
▸ Quarter-Final
03 July B 16h00 2 vs. 4
▸ Semi-Final
06 July I 20h30 A vs. C

▸ Group Matches
12 June B 16h00 Korea Republic vs. Greece
15 June G 16h00 Côte d’Ivoire vs. Portugal
18 June D 13h30 Germany vs. Serbia
21 June H 16h00 Chile vs. Switzerland
23 June C 16h00 Slovenia vs. England
▸ Round of 16
26 June 1 16h00 Winner Group A vs. Runner-Up Group B
▸ Quarter-Final
02 July C 16h00 5 vs. 7
10 July 20h30 Loser I vs. Loser II

▸ Group Matches
12 June C 20h30 England vs. USA
15 June F 13h30 New Zealand vs. Slovakia
19 June D 13h30 Ghana vs. Australia
22 June A 16h00 Mexico vs. Uruguay
24 June E 20h30 Denmark vs. Japan
▸ Round of 16
26 June 3 20h30 Winner Group C vs. Runner-Up Group D

▸ Group Matches
13 June C 13h30 Algeria vs. Slovenia
17 June A 13h30 France vs. Mexico
22 June B 20h30 Greece vs. Argentina
24 June F 16h00 Paraguay vs. New Zealand

▸ Group Matches
13 June D 16h00 Germany vs. Australia
16 June H 16h00 Spain vs. Switzerland
19 June E 16h00 Netherlands vs. Japan
22 June B 20h30 Nigeria vs. Korea Republic
25 June G 16h00 Portugal vs. Brazil
▸ Round of 16
28 June 5 16h00 Winner Group E vs. Runner-Up Group F
▸ Semi-Final
07 July II 20h30 B vs. D

▸ Group Matches
13 June D 20h30 Serbia vs. Ghana
16 June A 20h30 South Africa vs. Uruguay
19 June E 20h30 Cameroon vs. Denmark
23 June C 16h00 USA vs. Algeria
25 June H 20h30 Chile vs. Spain
▸ Round of 16
29 June 6 16h00 Winner Group F vs. Runner-Up Group E

▸ Group Matches
14 June E 16h00 Japan vs. Cameroon
17 June B 16h00 Greece vs. Nigeria
20 June F 13h30 Slovakia vs. Paraguay
22 June A 16h00 France vs. South Africa
25 June H 20h30 Switzerland vs. Honduras
▸ Round of 16
27 June 4 16h00 Winner Group D vs. Runner-Up Group C

▸ Group Matches
16 June H 13h30 Honduras vs. Chile
20 June F 16h00 Italy vs. New Zealand
23 June D 20h30 Australia vs. Serbia
25 June G 16h00 Korea DPR vs. Côte d’Ivoire

A more precise Newsletter will follow in due course containing more details. If you have any questions you can also contact -

Nigel Titus (located in Cape Town)
Cellular 083 642 4454

Gary Crous (located in Pietermaritzburg / Durban)
Cellular 072 221 1233

Praise Report ~ Summer4Souls™ Outreach in Cape Town

This Praise Report is written by Brother Nigel Titus for an outreach that took place on Wednesday December 16, 2009.

Yesterday, evangelists and like minded Christians heeded the Macedonian call and descended upon Muizenberg to preach the gospel and engage strangers with one2one witnessing encounters. Amongst the team were three new faces, eager to do their bit to obey the Great Commission. After the day’s events, they gave their verbal commitment to support us in our future evangelism endeavors. Praise God for adding to the team!

You can read the full report by clicking this link.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Summer4Souls™ Outreach in Cape Town

Our out-reach campaign for the summer gathers momentum this week with 2 planned evangelism events. On Wednesday the 16th December 2009 (public holiday), we will be at the Sunrise Circle flea market @ Muizenberg from about 12pm onwards. We will then move onto the general Muizenberg beach area and eventually end up at Surfer’s Corner. We anticipate ending at about 5pm. One2One witnessing and open air preaching will be on the menu.

The fact that Wednesday is Reconciliation Day creates a perfect springboard to talk to strangers and beach-goers about the necessity of being reconciled to God. It’s also getting closer to Christmas Day, so talking to people about their understanding of the day and what it means to them will also lead to great witnessing encounters.

Let me know if you are available – We will post a Praise Report and photos on our blog site after the event. Details of the 2nd trip will be communicated soon.

Your supplication, as always, is appreciated.


Nigel Titus
Cellular 083 642 4454

Report from the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront in Cape Town

On Saturday December 5, 2009, Nigel, Charlene and their son Jordan, Daniel Manuels (cameraman), Donovan Nelson and Gary Crous took to the V & A Waterfront to hand out Gospel Tracts, engage in one2one witnessing and read Scripture. This was the day after the FIFA Final Draw outreach in the heart of the “Mother City”.

I found there to be some interesting conversations – many terminated by the persons being witnessed to as their consciences were convicting them. The day had an edge about it; possibly it had alot to do with the actual area we were in that is a haven of self-love, lust of the flesh, idolatry (material possessions and money) and pride. The V & A caters for those who pamper after their flesh and sin. It is an ideal place to reach the lost.

View the photographs at this slideshow.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Report from the FIFA Final Draw in Cape Town

On the evening of Thursday December 3, 2009 we had a meeting at Brother Nigel and Sister Charlene Titus’ home in Grassy Park where we discussed the schedule and prayed for the outreach in and around the Cape Town city centre to take place the next day.

By the grace of God and after some time of planning this event, the day arrived on Friday December 4 where a team of evangelists would be taking to the streets of Cape Town to meet sinners whose only interest in this particular day would appear to be “to go out and party in Long Street”.

We left Nigel’s home shortly after 12:00 and proceeded into the city. The team would eventually comprise an “early” team and a “later” team for those joining us after work in the late afternoon / early evening. The members present were Nigel Titus, Donovan Nelson, Timothy Brown, Madge Titus (Nigel’s mother), Veronica Neutt, Bradley Scott, Bernadette Wagner, Craig Ernstzen, Barion Smith, Daniel Manuels (cameraman) and Gary Crous.


We arrived at Thibault Square; Nigel had received a call to collect the gospel tracts delivered to the mail room at his work in God’s perfect timing from Living Waters Africa. At the Square there were many people sitting around, walking through, waiting or taking their lunch break, and some were even on their “smoke-break” from work. Meeting these people allowed us opportunities to witness to them about the Day of Judgment that is approaching them as we opened the Perfect Law of God to their consciences and revealed the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ through the perfect atonement of sins through His sacrificial death on the cross, but most importantly His resurrection to life where He has conquered the sting of death, the grave and sinners’ sins for those who will repent and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

During this time there were many one2one witnessing encounters undertaken by us zealous evangelists. Challengers were also encountered and overcome by the power of God. One particular incident was when Veronica was approached by a security officer, who is employed at the Square, who questioned her about handing out tracts and whether she had permission to do so. Veronica approached Gary to discuss the situation, whilst he was witnessing to an elderly gentleman who understood the Word being opened to him. Afterwards, Gary explained to Veronica that the Square was public domain unless there was any signage prohibiting the distribution of written materials (including Gospel Tracts) or a code of conduct that was viewable. The situation did not proceed any further as we were not approached again by security. In all that unfolded in the Square He is the One who is glorified in all the good works that took place. We were merely the vessels that were available to God for Him to speak His Words to dying sinners. No praise is due to us – God is the One to be glorified for orchestrating us. There were some persons who were receptive and open to discussion and there were also those who held fast to their unbelief and were prepared to take a gamble with their eternal wellbeing where their consciences terminated the conversations rather than receive the Truth in and through Christ Jesus.


From Thibault Square, the soldiers of the cross rounded up and proceeded up St. Georges Street Mall. After taking a short “time-out” the work of the Lord continued with handing out of tracts, one2one witnessing and ministering to believers and the unsaved. Craig Ernstzen shared that there was a security guard who had heard the gospel proclaimed to him once before and was at the point of making a profession for Christ Jesus. We pray the Holy Spirit convicted him of sin, righteousness and judgment (John 16:8) and saved him by reconciling him into God’s family by making him a child of the Almighty.

There were many more opportunities of handing out tracts as we walked the length of the Mall and we also had opportunities of engaging the lost in conversation taking them through the Good Person Test, opening up the Perfect Law and expounding upon the Goodness of God expressing His Mercy and Grace through the cross by the sacrificing of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

THE GARDENS (Outside Parliament)

This would be where we would do our Project Ezra readings - we had chosen Matthew 5 – 7 and other readings. Today would also be the first time for five of our brothers and sisters in Christ to break the sound barrier. God is gracious in bringing His children to a place of overcoming what we call obstacles. In God’s strength all things are possible. Hallelujah.

(From Top L to R through to Bottom L to R in order of Project Ezra readings – Nigel Titus, Gary Crous, Veronica Neutt (Newbie), Madge Titus (Newbie), Timothy Brown (Newbie), Donovan Nelson (Newbie), Craig Ernstzen, and Barion Smith (Newbie))

While the readings were taking place, passer-bys were handed many tracts and witnessing conversations also took place under the tree lined walkway. It was also at this point that a few of the brethren commenced with open-air preaching as the proclamation of God’s Law and the Gospel of Grace echoed in the Gardens of Cape Town. During the preaching of the Word Nigel handed a Million Dollar tract to a guy named Matthew. On receiving it he looked intently at it and said: “Is this the Way of the Master tract?” A conversation commenced between Nigel and Matthew – who opened his backpack to reveal that he, too, was carrying Living Waters tracts and material. Matthew has recently moved down to Cape Town from Durban to work there and Nigel now has his contact details. It is awesome to know that the ekklesia is being exposed to The Way of the Master Evangelism. Praise God that Biblical Evangelism is being preached!!!

LONG STREET (The Party-Zone)

We proceeded down to Long Street in the heart of Cape Town where the party-zone was cordoned off by the ever present South African Police Services (SAPS). To gain access you had to enter from the side streets – after being bodily searched by SAPS Law Enforcement Officers. It was a sea of humanity and chaotic – we could never even think about having meaningful conversations with the hoards of lost souls from every creed, tribe and tongue who were there for one thing – to party. Long Street was out of the question, but the side street we entered the zone from was ideal. Conversations could be had even with the everpresent soundings of the Vuvuzelas and we were also able to open-air preach to the lines of fans waiting to enter the party-zone.
“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.” – Matthew 24:36-39
There is so much more that can be written about our evangelising the lost and hopefully individual stories and testimonies will be penned and sent in to be posted by our Lord’s labourers. Praise belongs to Our One and Only God – The Lord Jesus Christ for without His Good Works we can do absolutely nothing.

The Class of 4 December 2009 – Back Row L to R – Donovan Nelson, Bradley Scott, Craig Ernstzen, Gary Crous, Nigel Titus, Timothy Brown; Front Row L to R - Veronica Neutt, Barion Smith, Bernadette Wagner, and Madge Titus; Cameraman – Daniel Manuels. Late arrivals Emile & Teri Jansen and their daughter.

After a long day, with tired limbs, hoarse throats, but vibrant in heart we fellowshipped as a family around a meal at Nandos where we discussed our experiences, shared “war stories” and testimonies of how Great and Good our God really is - it was a perfect way to end a perfect day.


To see all the photographs view them at this slideshow.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Photos of FIFA Final Draw Outreach

Here is a link to the photographs from our outreach in the heart of Cape Town.

Reports to follow.

2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa Draw™ Gospel Tract

The following appeared on a specially designed gospel tract that was in the form of a handout that was distributed on the streets of Cape Town during the carnival atmosphere leading up to the Final Draw that took place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) on December 4, 2009.

Side One:




QUIZ ~ Q & A
(Test your knowledge and please do not cheat by looking at the answers first)
1. What team has won the most FIFA World Cup tournaments?

2. In which year did the USA upset England by beating them 1-0?

3. Which player holds the record for the most goals scored at a single tournament?

4. How many host nations have won the World Cup?

5. Most goals scored by a team in one finals match?

6. Who has scored the fastest goal at any finals?

7. Which Brazilian player celebrates “finals” by wearing his “I Belong to Jesus” T-Shirt?

~ Please read the reverse side for more knowledge ~
Answers*: 1. Brazil Five Times (1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, 2002). 2. 1950. 3. Just Fontaine of France 13 goals in 1958. 4. Six Nations (1930 Uruguay, 1934 Italy, 1966 England, 1974 West Germany, 1978 Argentina, 1998 France). 5. Ten goals by Hungary (Hungary 10 vs. El Salvador 1) in 1982. 6. Turkey’s Hakan Sukur after 11 seconds in the third-place play-off match against South Korea 2002. 7. Kakà.

*Answers were verified on Football internet sites and are taken as being correct as at 3rd December 2009.

Nigel Titus: 083 642 4454 / Gary Crous: 072 221 1233
Side Two:

Now that you have answered the questions on the reverse side of this handout ~ how did you score? 25%? 50%? 100%? We tend to know a lot about our sport and other things, but spend little to no time thinking about the million dollar question that I will put to you now. This question will make every other question you have ever answered appear to be insignificant. Do you know what will happen to you the day you will die and pass into eternity? People tend to think about everything else including attending a World Cup Draw event than thinking about their eternal destiny. Reality is 150 000 people die every 24 hours and you know that you are guaranteed one thing in this life ~ someday you will also die. If you should die this day, do you think you will be good enough to stand before a Holy God and go to Heaven. If I should ask you if you are a good person, most persons will profess to be good. But, by what standard are you basing your goodness on? Your own standard? To truly see whether you are a good person you should use a more perfect standard to judge yourself by looking into the perfect moral Law of Almighty God. This Law is known as the Ten Commandments. How many lies have you told in your life? Half-truths, fibs, white lies … it doesn’t matter what you call the lie, by definition God sees you as a liar. Stolen something? It doesn’t matter the size or value of the object, time does not excuse this crime. God sees you as a thief. Jesus said in old times it was said do not commit adultery, but I tell you whoever looks upon a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Matthew 5:28). Ever looked with lust? Had sexual thoughts in your mind? Indulged in fornication (had sex outside the bounds of marriage)? Then God sees you as an adulterer. Ever committed murder? The Bible says hating someone is murder (1 John 3:15). This also includes abortion which is the murder of unborn children. Ever used God or His Son Jesus’ name to show surprise or disgust? Like, “Oh my G-D!!” That is blasphemy and it is a serious offense in the sight of God. If you have answered “yes” to any of these questions then God sees you as a liar, a thief, an adulterer, a murderer and a blasphemer and God finds you guilty and will judge you for every crime you have committed against Him. He sees every thought, intention of the heart, every word uttered and every deed done, even those in secret. If God gives you the justice you rightfully deserve on the Day of Judgment as a lawbreaker then will you go to Heaven or Hell? Any person in their right mind will know that breaking the Law demands a payment and God has assigned a place called Hell as His prison for sinners who have transgressed against Him. That is the bad news. The Good News is that God is so kind and merciful that He expressed His grace and love to sinners by choosing to reveal Himself in the person of His Son Jesus Christ. Fully God and fully Man and without sin, Jesus gave us the divine standard by which we are to live and then He went to the cross to be punished by the full wrath of God to pay the price and take the full punishment for the repentant sinner who will hear the Gospel and believe. Not just believe but to put your full trust in Jesus Christ for mercifully dying in the place of you the sinner. You cannot buy your way into Heaven. Your righteousness is as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6) in the sight of a Holy God. You are not good. God is so Good to want to save evil and wicked sinners from eternal damnation. Repent (turn away and forsake your sin) before God’s throne while you still have time. Then read the Bible and live out what it tells you.