Friday, March 20, 2009

Tears in a Bottle

You have collected all my tears in your bottle. (NLT) ~ Psalm 56:8
The very first word that Jesus used when He began His preaching ministry was, "Repent," and no man can repent unless he is sorry for his sins. This comes about when we realize our own inadequacy and our own sinfulness.

As John Stott points out, "There is not enough sorrow for sin amoung us. We should experience more godly grief of Christian penitence like that sensitive and Christlike eighteenth century missionary to the American Indians, David Brainerd*.

"He wrote in his journal on 18 October 1740, 'In my mourning devotions my soul was exceedingly melted, and bitterly mourned over my exceeding sinfulness and vileness.'"

This is from the New Every Morning Pocket Devotions by Nico Bougas, 2006.

* Missionary to the American Indians in New York, New Jersey, and eastern Pennsylvania. Born in Connecticut in 1718, he died of tuberculosis at the age of twenty-nine in 1747. Jonathan Edwards preached the funeral sermon and published the diary which David had kept.

David Brainerd: Missionary by Fred Barlow

David Brainerd: Aflame for God by Eugene Myers Harrison

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Ambassadors' Alliance Radio

Listen to Ambassadors' Alliance Radio on internet talk radio

If I can encourage viewers of this blog, please tune in to Tony Miano and Bart McCurdy on The Ambassadors' Alliance Radio. The Biblical content is sound and the shows are going from strength to strength every week, and it is all Glory to our Father God in Heaven that He is getting the Truth out there to the people.

There is a play list in the panel to the right or you can listen by clicking this Link or the blogtalkradio button above.

Please listen to this weeks program (2009-10) with special guest Justin Peters (left) for a conversation about the prosperity gospel and other false gospels making their way through Christendom. View his website at Justin Peters Ministries.

Watch a demo of Justin's Seminar

Remember to be as the Bereans "... in that they received the Word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so." ~ Acts 17:11

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Four Brothers Preaching The Gospel In Love

The passion and compassion can be heard in the four brothers' voices as they preach The Gospel in love.

The four brothers are Tony (photographer), (L to R) Rob-Roy, Jimmy and David. To view the original post click The Lawman Chronicles.

Here is the audio:

Or you can listen and download at this Link.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Comments Feature Activated

Hello everyone!

This is to confirm that the 'Comments Feature' has been activated and will remain so for the time being.

The comments will be moderated and you can see the terms to the comments being published when you so choose to post one.

As a trial, please feel free to comment on past postings here, if you so choose.

In Christ's Service
