Thursday, July 30, 2009

Are We Doing Church The Right Way?

Since time past when I left the institutional church, as we know it - the traditional church, by the grace of God I am now in fellowship with other believers who are also pursuing the organic Church that we read of in the New Testament. I am learning what it must have been like in the first century Church that we read in the Book of Acts and Paul's epistles. God is gracious in that the Holy Spirit has us continually repenting of our sins. Many of us - if not all at some time - have been raised to see church through the eyes of man's traditions and have failed to experience the life of Christ in His Body.

There are two books that have started to help us as we come together under the Headship of Jesus Christ. God is doing a work and we are coming to the realisation that what we perceive to be church practice is in fact missing the ekklesia practiced in Scripture. There must be more that Father wants to give us than what we are receiving in the church buildings. We know God works in every situation, but are we allowing Him to work as He intended or are we following after a whole new set of rules ordained by man? If so, we are then creating a false god in how we do church - we are following after man and his traditions rather than the True God of the Bible. (As Paul said, “The manifold wisdom of God – which is Christ – is known through the ekklesia.”)

We need to start asking the correct questions. Why do we see the vast majority of Christians sitting comfortable in the pews on Sunday and are idle in their love and pursuit of the lost? Or possibly showing no growth and lack of Spiritual fruit? Can the reasons be because we are not doing Church by the Bible?

Here are some links to challenge us believers -

* Reimagining Church Blog by Frank Viola

* Pagan Christianity? and Reimagining Church

* Audio Interview with George Barna and Frank Viola

* A Jesus Manifesto by Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mandela Day - 67 minutes

On Saturday July 18th, 2009 the ex-President of South Africa, Mr Nelson Mandela celebrated his 91st birthday. From what was read in the local and international press and from watching the news of his birthday celebrations in certain places around the world, it can be seen that there were those secular persons that revere Mandela - as an icon and idol of social justice.

For me and other street evangelists, this particular day would be no different from any other Project Ezra day. It would be another day of proclaiming the Word of God to a dying world. Here in South Africa in our Lord's harvest field, Mandela Day would allow me to speak of the justice of God and the mercy of God in Church Street, Pietermaritzburg. There were no cameras and no back-up, but I am thankful for God's goodness and faithfulness - He allowed me to preach the Law and the Gospel of Grace twice.

My first reading was the Book of 1 John whereafter I held up the cover page of The Witness newspaper and made reference to the headline that read, quote -

"In recognition of the 67 years Nelson Mandela has devoted to social justice, Mandela Day is a call to people to spend 67 minutes doing good on Madiba's birthday tomorrow."
but Scripture tells another story... we are not called to give 67 minutes to our neighbours, but we are "to love thy neighbour as thyself". I then put the verse in context and read Matthew 22:36-40 (NKJV) -

Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it, You shall love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Although the publishers of the list below might have had noble intent of getting people to do good to one's fellow man, they missed the Spiritual message of worshipping God everyday and loving their neighbour as themselves then we wouldn't have to fabricate ways that we should act for 67 minutes.

67 Ways to help your neighbour

1. Adopt one of SA’s 1,5 million orphans.
2. Ask some neighbours over to dinner.
3. Baby-sit to give some parents a break.
4. Bake a cake for a person who needs it.
5. Be an Angel in the mayor’s “Angel Appeal”.
6. Be a Big Brother or Sister to a needy child.
7. Be a neighbour and help someone.
8. Be polite and greet the people you meet.
9. Celebrate silence and cut down noise.
10. Clean Symmonds Stream in Howick.
11. Clean out your cupboards for charity.
12. Cook a meal for a person who needs it.
13. Cover for a colleague who needs a break.
14. Crochet or knit a comfort doll for a kid.
15. Cuddle a cat at the Woodhouse Road SPCA.
16. Cut snares in the forest or open veld.
17. Do the shopping for someone housebound.
18. Donate food to the Community Chest.
19. Don’t do crime - it hurts your community.
20. Drive safely and obey the road rules.
21. Feed the birds in the garden with a bird table.
22. Foster a child for PMB Child Welfare.
23. Get to know your neighbours if you don’t.
24. Give a lift to someone with no transport.
25. Give blood and save a life, maybe three.
26. Give R67 to PMB Community Chest.
27. Help the wild animals: clean up green areas.
28. ‘Help Rob do his Job’ - clean up the city.
29. Help Cindi plant a garden in France.
30. Hold a tea party to your neighbours.
31. Honour an elderly person like Mandela.
32. Hug someone that needs a warm touch.
33. Ideas for kids: tidy your room, do chores.
34. Join the local Community Policing Forum.
35. Keep the PMB Children’s Home open.
36. Knit squares for SPCA blankets.
37. Know your status: get a free HIV test.
38. Start learning one of the 11 official languages.
39. Make peace by settling a dispute.
40. Organise a work party to fix a community place.
41. Paint a wall at Lifeline’s house in the city.
42. Pay your school fees. The school needs them.
43. Pick up litter to clean up the rivers.
44. Plant a tree to beautify your community.
45. Prepare refreshments for those who serve.
46. Pretend it’s the last 67 minutes of your life.
47. Raise funds for charities that need them.
48. Recycle your rubbish to help the planet.
49. Remember apartheid, share the memories.
50. Remember those in prison - help NICRO.
51. Save the planet from plastic, it’s a no-no.
52. Say ‘thank you’ to community workers.
53. Share cuttings and plants from your garden.
54. Smile at people you encounter tomorrow.
55. Stand in line at a govt office for someone.
56. ‘Stop crime, say hello’ - join the move.
57. Talk about Nelson Mandela’s example.
58. Teach someone a skill or hobby you have.
59. Tell your ‘struggle’ stories to the children.
60. Tip someone, esp. if you don’t often.
61. Use your voice on audio-books for the blind.
62. Visit the Mandela Monument near Howick.
63. Visit someone who needs a visitor.
64. Volunteer to help a community group.
65. Walk a dog at the Woodhouse Road SPCA.
66. Wash a car, soccer club’s kit or church linen.
67. Write a will and leave money to charity.
Compiled by The Witness newspaper, Friday, July 17, 2009
I also referred to item #46 and then went through the Ten Commandments, which is the perfect Law that converts the soul (Psalm 19:7).

The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17) is the only moral standard we need to adhere to - God's Law:

1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
2. You shall not make yourself any graven image (idols).
3. You shall not take the name of the Lord God in vain (blasphemy).
4. Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy.
5. Honour your father and mother.
6. You shall not murder.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour (lie).
10. You shall not covet your neighbour's house nor his wife and his possessions.

During the preaching of the Law and the Gospel of Grace that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6) I told the hearers that if people love men - like Mr Mandela - more than God, then they are idolaters and they need to repent of their evil and wicked sins against a Holy and Just God.

The Bible says that it is appointed to men once to die, but after this the judgment (Hebrews 9:27) and like each one of us, Mr Mandela will also stand before God Almighty on the Day of Judgment and give an account of his life. The only way we can receive eternal life is by repenting (turning from and forsaking evil and wicked sin) and throwing ourselves upon the mercy of Jesus Christ. He will return and judge this world in righteousness (Acts 17:30,31).

The second reading was the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and again a plea was made to the inhabitants of South Africa...

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14).
There is one Lawgiver and Judge - Almighty God. We do pray for Mr Mandela, and every other person still breathing, that they will truly repent and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Them that are born again are given a new heart, spirit and mind and will think Christ-like. Remember: "Over 700,000 babies have been killed by abortion in South Africa – officially, legally, often with tax payers’ money – since Nelson Mandela legalised abortion on demand, 1 February 1997. As head of the ANC Mandela didn’t even allow his parliamentarians a conscience vote, they were forced to vote for abortion" (The Battle for South Africa - Frontline Fellowship). According to God's standards - that is MURDER.

The new "One Billion Rand" Gospel Tract was put to good use on Mandela Day. It reads as follows:

These days, we celebrate many freedoms... but are you really free? The Bible says that we are slaves... slaves to sin. What is sin? Sin is violating God's law... the Ten Commandments. Need proof you are a slave to sin? Ever told a lie? The ninth commandment says, "You shall not lie." Ever stolen anything? Have you ever used God's name in vain? That's called Blasphemy. Have you looked with lust (sexual desire) after another person? Jesus said, "Whosoever looks upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery already with her in his heart." How many times have you been guilty of any of these serious violations? You, like the rest of us are a slave to sin. God's word tells us that all liars, blasphemers, the sexually immoral, thieves, etc. will end up in the lake of fire... for eternity.

The Bible makes it clear that we have to be holy to go to heaven. The problem is "... all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." We also read: "There is none righteous, no, not one... There is none who does good, no, not one." God will justly judge you when you die and none who are unholy will enter heaven. We have to be holy to go to heaven.

But there is hope! God lowered Himself and became a man, Jesus Christ. He lived a perfect (sinless) life. Then, He died on the cross for you paying the penalty for sin. After three days he rose from the dead defeating death. Only His blood can make us holy! In order to have this holiness, you must repent (turn from your sin) and put your faith in Jesus Christ. Humble yourself, and start living for God. Realize you are created to give God all the glory! True freedom is only found in Jesus Christ. Read your Bible daily and obey what you read.

Friday, July 10, 2009

First John Preaching

As part of the Project Ezra challenge to open-air street preachers / evangelists, on the 4th July 2009 the Scriptures to be read was the Book of First John and to preach the Law and the Gospel of Grace.

From the photos at the following link, please look at the faces of the people who passed by and those that lingered and others who stopped to listen. The photos are in number order and from first photo (#001) to last (#055) the reading and preaching took about 45 minutes. You will see my son Chad handing out my last few tracts and his brother Jason, who was asked to capture as many peoples' reactions, was busy taking the photos. Notice how long - from frame to frame - some people stayed to hear the Awesome Word of God.

Glory to our King Jesus.

Brothers on Mission

There is nothing sweeter than the fellowship of brothers walking with our Lord Jesus Christ in His harvest field. During the FIFA Confederations Cup 2009 in South Africa, four brothers from two continents prayerfully backed by their brothers and sisters in Christ from around the world proclaimed the Law and the Gospel of Grace to the hoards of local and visiting soccer fans.

The Word was proclaimed and preached to a dying, dark world. The Light entered into a spiritually dead and hungering vineyard, and we believe and trust in the Name of Jesus that God’s Word went forth and accomplished what He had sent it to fulfill His purposes.

From the time I fetched Bill Adams and Thomas Nunes from Oliver Tambo International Airport there was a togetherness that was evident. We would all be learning as we got to know one another better and also glean from each other what God had already prepared us to learn. My lesson to be learned up front would be patience. To drive and negotiate the Johannesburg traffic with the additional complications of roads being closed around the stadia we would visit and the “endless” roadworks was a definite test. The first trial was when I picked up our brethren and upon trying to negotiate the roadworks at the airport to get to the currency exchanger we were “swung” out onto the highway leading away from the airport. Patience and a few kilometres of the “scenic route” and we were back on track… mmm … patience.

Let us also not forget our most wonderful hosts who truly have servant hearts for our Lord Jesus, in the families of Michael, Natalie and their two young sons Caleb and Calvin and Grenville, Ruth (Michael’s sister) and their two young sons Joel and Nathan. Their hospitality to us leaves me – and I am sure the brothers, too – speechless, but rejoicing in Jesus. It was truly how the body of Christ should function. The fellowship, prayer and morning devotions were sweet to the soul. Michael Rogers heads up Living Waters Africa, so most mornings we would stock up with Gospel tracts in his study from where he runs the ministry. He was also kind and gave us many discounts and we also thank Grenville and Ruth for purchasing us some tracts, too. We love you all.

Bill and Thomas are true Ambassadors of Christ who are truly on fire for the preaching of God’s Word and engaging in conversation, with the lost and also amongst ourselves. What I was challenged by most of all with Bill is his many, many questions. Here is a man with a servant heart and a probing mind that had me tested to the limits. He is a brother that wants to learn as much as he can from his brothers and sisters around him, and I really enjoyed his probes. It had me examining myself and searching for the correct answers. In our Q & A sessions he also ministered into my life. Thank you brother and I look forward to labouring with you for our Lord Jesus.

Thomas, my room-brother, is a gentle and prayerful soul. He is a brother that has a heart for the lost who not only went the extra mile with his time spent with the lost souls, but made the added effort of taking down many, many, many names that would later find their way into his prayer journal. This brother is a kind man whose love flows towards mankind and children. I saw this trait in Bill, too, the way they spoke to the young sons of our hosts. For Thomas, being an ex-Zimbabwean, he found himself witnessing to many Zim-refugees at the plaza in downtown Johannesburg. I believe this was an appointed time by God for Thomas to be used of the Lord to minister into their broken, poor, sinful lives and those who were encouraged as Christians, too.

Later in the week our brother from Badplaas – Willem Pretorius arrived and joined up with us. Here is a brother who we are sure God challenged and brought him to a place where he exceeded unchartered territory. Here is a young man who has a passion to learn and please God and who broke the sound barrier by reading Scripture and preaching the Law and the Gospel of Grace for the very first time in a public forum. An Ambassador of Christ who stepped out of his comfort zone – and who nearly did not join up with us – and allowed the strength of Christ to overcome his challenges. Thank you Willem for your obedience in joining us in our Lord’s harvest field.

What was also a precious few days was that Thomas travelled from the USA and he got to see his brother Dilip (Botswana) and his dad Mr Nunes (Zimbabwe) who travelled to Johannesburg to visit. A reunion after five years. A wonderful work of God’s Hand bringing family together.

All Glory to God for the time we spent lifting up the precious Name of His Son our Lord Jesus Christ. As you can see from the posts hereunder from the FIFA Confederations Cup there are many witnessing stories that have been related to and there will be more to follow.

Under the Photos tab above there is a link to our photo gallery that reflects all the photos from our time on mission. We hope to have a video that captures the full extent of the mission up here in the near future.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Reports from the Confederations Cup 2009

What an awesome time God allowed Bill Adams (Atlanta, USA), Thomas Nunes (Atlanta, USA), Willem Pretorius (Badplaas, RSA) and myself (Pietermaritzburg, RSA) to fellowship, preach and proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour to the multitudes in South Africa. Both visitors and locals, refugees and the homeless, the saved and the unsaved heard the Word of God read, preached and prayed. We believe the Word went forth and accomplished what God willed and purposed for His Glory and the exalting of His Son Jesus, the Christ.

Here are three reports at the Luke 9:23 Evangelism blog, of which there will be more to follow:

* Live Report from Confederations Cup

* Thomas Nunes Confederations Cup Report

* Bill Adams - Confederations Cup Report Friday - June 19th