Praise be to God!! A while ago whilst out preaching in our normal fishin' stream in Church Street, a professing believer passed by - an African man named Shadrack - who works in the Courts as a court translator. On that particular day he asked if he could translate for me as I was finishing the preaching session.
We spoke about the preaching of the Gospel and at that time he took down my cellular number and an informal invitation was mentioned to me to attend a prayer meeting at the courts. Nothing came of it.
Until now, I believe the time has now arrived by God's Sovereign Grace in that I was contacted in part last week by Shadrack to come and preach at a tent crusade being held in the Edendale / Dambuza Township - an extemely dark, spiritually dead area on the outskirts of Pietermaritzburg - a rural area that has a high level of crime. The invitation has been extented and accepted as I surrender myself to God that His will be done no matter where we are to preach.
Tomorrow, Saturday November 14th, 2009 from 18H30 to 20H00 in Edendale / Dambuza Township (we don't know the exact site of the tent crusade) - Phillip and I will be going to 'Nineveh'. (Read the Book of Jonah)
Please keep us covered in prayer for God to be Glorified by the preaching of Repentance and the Gospel of salvation.
The Night Before Christmas* (2024)
‘Twas the night before Christmas, and strange as it seems; I wasn’t
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