Monday, May 25, 2009

Share The Gospel ~ A Call to Action

If there is but One Truth, then there cannot be many ways to be saved.

Quoted here is an extract from Cameron Buettel's blog The Bottom Line:
Some of my American friends often ask me, as someone who lives in Denmark, whether western Europe is a viable mission field or "has the train already left the station". The jury is still out on that question, but my mind is made up whatever the outcome. God is going to accomplish His Sovereign purposes regardless so I will preach and be an instrument of revival - or judgment! I won't go down quietly and I will go down swinging! Pray for us, be vigilant, and preach the word the only two times you ever should - in season and out of season! (Read the full post Here)
Hi-lighted is the portion of the quote that really made me think. God will be glorified no matter what the circumstances and born again Christians are the vessels through which God will accomplish His revival or His judgment. Will we sit comfortably while sinners and those misguided by their cultic religions that they follow fall into the Hands of an Angry God? Or will we obediently let God use us as vessels of His salvation to reach those He is calling to repentance? We are bought at a price therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's (1 Corinthians 6:20). We are owned by another and He is Almighty God.

Here are blogs posted that reveals the obsession behind Islam -

* Obsession - Islam Exposed (Part 1)

* Obsession - Islam Exposed (Part 2)