Thursday, April 16, 2009

MTB World Cup 2009 ~ Gospel Tract

Side One ~
QUIZ ~ Q & A
(Test your knowledge and please do not cheat by looking at the answers first)
1. Which team won the 2009 ABSA Cape Epic?

2. What nationality is the 2008 cross-country MTB World Champion, Christoph Sauser?

3. Who is the 2008 Elite Women’s World Champion?

4. Who is the reigning Downhill World Champion?

5. How many cross-country World Cup Series titles has France’s Julien Absalon won?

6. In 2008 which woman was both South African and African Elite women’s champion and 22nd at the Beijing Olympic Games?

7. What holiday is this weekend?

~ Please read the reverse side for more knowledge ~
Answers*: 1. Team Bulls ~ German duo of Karl Platt and Stefan Sahm. 2. Swiss. 3. Margarita Fullana (Spain). 4. Greg Minnaar of Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. 5. Four – 2003, 2006, 2007 and 2008. 6. Yolande Speedy. 7. Passover (Easter).
* Answers (except 7) were verified on MTB internet sites and are taken as being correct as at 3rd April 2009.

Gary Crous +27 72 221 1233

Side Two ~
Now that you have answered the questions on the reverse side of this handout ~ how did you score? 25%? 50%? 100%? We tend to know a lot about our sport and other things, but spend little to no time thinking about the million dollar question that I will put to you now. This question will make every other question you have ever answered appear to be insignificant. Do you know what will happen to you the day you will die and pass into eternity? People tend to think about everything else including attending a mountain bike event than thinking about their eternal destiny. Reality is 150 000 people die every 24 hours and you know that you are guaranteed one thing in this life ~ someday you will also die. If you should die this day, do you think you will be good enough to stand before a Holy God and go to Heaven. If I should ask you if you are a good person, most persons will profess to be good. But, by what standard are you basing your goodness on? Your own standard? To truly see whether you are a good person you should use a more perfect standard to judge yourself by looking into the perfect moral Law of Almighty God. This Law is known as the Ten Commandments. How many lies have you told in your life? Half-truths, fibs, white lies ... it doesn’t matter what you call the lie, by definition God sees you as a liar. Stolen something? It doesn’t matter the size or value of the object, time does not excuse this crime. God sees you as a thief. Jesus said in old times it was said do not commit adultery, but I tell you whoever looks upon a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Matthew 5:28). Ever looked with lust? Had sexual thoughts in your mind? Indulged in fornication (had sex outside the bounds of marriage)? Then God sees you as an adulterer. Ever committed murder? The Bible says hating someone is murder (1 John 3:15). This also includes abortion which is the murder of unborn children. Ever used God or His Son Jesus’ name to show surprise or disgust? Like, “Oh my G-D!!” That is blasphemy and it is a serious offense in the sight of God. If you have answered “yes” to any of these questions then God sees you as a liar, a thief, an adulterer, a murderer and a blasphemer and God finds you guilty and will judge you for every crime you have committed against Him. He sees every thought, intention of the heart, every word uttered and every deed done, even those in secret. If God gives you the justice you rightfully deserve on the Day of Judgment as a lawbreaker then will you go to Heaven or Hell? Any person in their right mind will know that breaking the Law demands a payment and God has assigned a place called Hell as His prison for sinners who have transgressed against Him. That is the bad news. The Good News is that God is so kind and merciful that He expressed His grace and love to sinners by choosing to reveal Himself in the person of His Son Jesus Christ. Fully God and fully Man and without sin, Jesus gave us the divine standard by which we are to live and then He went to the cross to be punished by the full wrath of God to pay the price and take the full punishment for the repentant sinner who will hear the Gospel and believe. Not just believe but to put your full trust in Jesus Christ for mercifully dying in the place of you the sinner. You cannot buy your way into Heaven. Your righteousness is as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6) in the sight of a Holy God. You are not good. God is so Good to want to save evil and wicked sinners from eternal damnation. Repent before God’s throne while you still have time.