Friday, November 14, 2008

On Being Single-minded

A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. ~ James 1:8 KJV
If you stand for something worthwhile, you will have some people for you and some against you.

In today's world, there is tremendous pressure to be open-minded and politically correct. That is, to accept just about every belief except Christianity and what Christians stand for. To align yourself with Christianity means to be identified as narrow-minded, rigid and fanatical.

What many don't realize is that if you stand for nothing, you can fall for anything. Some people are swamps: they spread over everything; their minds are so open they cannot hold a conviction.

I'd rather know where I stand and where I'm headed and be labeled narrow-minded than be politically correct and popular with the crowd, but going nowhere.

This is from the New Every Morning Pocket Devotions by Nico Bougas, 2006.