The foolish shall not stand in your sight: you hate all workers of iniquity. ~ Psalm 5:5Does God hate sinners? How can God hate sinners when John 3:16 says that He loves them? Norman Geisler and Thomas Howe write, "There is no contradiction in these statements. The difficulty arises when we wrongly assume that God hates in the same way men hate. Hatred in human beings is generally thought of in terms of strong emotional distaste or dislike of someone or something. However, in God, hate is a judicial act on the part of the righteous judge who separates the sinner from Himself" (When Critics Ask). (The Evidence Bible by Ray Comfort, page 709)
The Night Before Christmas* (2024)
‘Twas the night before Christmas, and strange as it seems; I wasn’t
indulging in covetous dreams. But reading my Bible, I searched for a clue;
Why Christia...
2 months ago