Recently our Lord Jesus has been leading me to read some solid spiritual food. I have finished reading "The Gospel According to Jesus" by John F. MacArthur and will be finished shortly with the book by Mark Cahill titled "One Thing You Can't Do in Heaven". These are two of the most amazing books that will have you reading and wanting more and more. Outside of the Bible, they are two best sellers that every Christian should make a point of reading. You won't want to put either down for too long.

"Three-hundred-million years from now, what will be the only thing that will matter? Will it matter how much money you made? Will it matter what kind of car you drove? Will it matter who won the NCAA football and basketball titles this year? Will it matter who you took to the homecoming dance?
"Three-hundred-million years from now, the only thing that will matter is who is in heaven and who is in hell. And if that is the only thing that will matter then, that should be one of our greatest concerns now. Jesus tells us in Matthew 18:11, "The Son of Man has come to save that which was lost." If it is of the utmost importance for Jesus to reach the lost, shouldn't it be a major priority for you? The real question then is: What are you doing of significance today that will matter three-hundred-million-plus years from now?
"Second Corinthians 5:10 assures us that "we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad." Do you really believe, as a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, that there will be a day on which you will stand before His throne? We will each go one-to-one with the God of this universe. Can you imagine that? Do you think it will matter on that day whether you boldly shared your faith with unbelievers, whether you told a very lost and dying world about Jesus - the only answer for a soul? Yes, it will. It will matter whether you shared the most precious thing you have with everyone you could." ~ Mark Cahill
You will need to purchase a copy to find out the Winning Winning Winning of Evangelism. Here are some clips to further inspire you to reach the lost for Christ ...