Sports Fan Outreach International: Super Bowl XLIV Outreach Newsletter
Edition #11
May 21, 2009
Two of us from Atlanta are departing in a month for the Confederations Cup Soccer tournament in South Africa. The Confederations Cup is the preliminary event to next year's World Cup being held also in South Africa.
The World Cup is the absolute largest sporting event on the planet. Thirty days of games throughout the entire nation.
God willing we are going back next year & this trip is to gain an understanding of ministry in South Africa.
Watch the Confederations Cup promo video to get a sense of the excitement & then register to go with us.
Confederations Cup Video Marketing Promo.
We are meeting with a brother in Johannesburg, South Africa, Gary Crous, who has been to the Ambassadors Alliance training & communicated with me after being interveiwed by Tony Miano on his blogtalk radio show.
Here is a promo for the World Cup.
World Cup 2010 video.
And for South Africa itself. South Africa video.
It's going to be an amazing time. Register today.
"Clark's Corner": "Glorifying God in your body"
Pastor Clark gives another call to holy living: "Glorifying God in your body".
Email Mike with your thoughts: mclark707@yahoo.com.
SFOI Events: MLB All-Star Celebration
This is the next event in the US for us. So pray about joining us at the Major League All-Star Celebration. It's being held from July 11 - July 14 in St. Louis, MO.
All the information & registration information is here: MLB All-Star Outreach.
Thank you & contact Information
Hope to hear from you about traveling to South Africa.
Grace, mercy & peace,
Bill Adams
1-866-646-LOVE (5683)
Sports Fan Outreach International
P.O. Box 11667
Atlanta, GA 30355
Evangelism Resources: Many Saints would be glad to "go" but can't afford it. If you have ever wanted to "Sponsor A Saint" for a particular trip or in general you can do so here: Sponsor A Saint.
MLB All-Star Celebration $300 per person.
If you give the name of the person(s) you sponsor will be sent to you.