Year 2009 was an election year in South Africa. At the following link "Criminalization of South Africa" which was posted by brother Dr Peter Hammond of Frontline Fellowship we can see the lawlessness in a society that professes to know God, but has rejected His commands of living righteous lives.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. ~ 2 Chronicles 7:14Dr Peter Hammond also wrote at Africa Christian Action ~
Over 77% of South Africans claim to be Christian. Yet the escalating crime wave, pervasive corruption and prevalent decadence in South Africa testifies to the painful ineffectiveness of most churches. Pornography, prostitution, rape, gambling, drug abuse, theft and murder are destroying our country. (To read the whole article click Here.)As we can see from the results of the recent election less than 1% of the "professing 77% Christian community" voted with their consciences and placed their mark for Christian parties. Do these professing christians realise that they are blaspheming God's Holy Name by professing one thing and going against His standards? The results can be viewed at the following Map.
It leaves one conclusion ... the people of South Africa (including the 77%) have spoken and the vast majority were not for God. How free are they really under this democracy? Not at all - they remain slaves to their sin. And sin leads to death; eternal damnation! To be free indeed read Galatians 5:1-26.
Now there has even been talk in some quarters of legalising prostitution before the 2010 World Cup. Repent sinners and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ ~ The True Gospel According to Jesus.