Thomas Nunes, a dear brother in Christ who resides in Atlanta, Georgia, came out to South Africa during the 2009 Confederations Cup™ with Bill Adams of
SFOI. He faithfully ministered with open-air preaching, reading of God's Word in public and one-to-one witnessing. He proclaimed the Law and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to soccer fans, both local and international, as well as many Zimbabwean refugees who find themself jobless, homeless and in most cases spiritually dead in Johannesburg and surrounding areas.

He has been diagnosed with Stage III Cancer and has had an operation already. Please keep this wonderful brother in prayer and to all those saved and unsaved who are experiencing the same struggles at this time. May God be exhalted and be Glorified showing Himself powerful in every situation. You will read in Thomas' journal that even in his pain - a pain I can only imagine and yet can never truly comprehend - he has been faithful in being a steadfast witness for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Please take some time out to encourage him and his wife Connie and their family and visit to read his journal and also to leave a spiritual message of encouragement and prayer in his

These photos here are of Thomas here on South African soil.
AliveSing a hymn of praises
to our Majestic God on High;
Who willingly lay down His life
and paid our fine and died.
When He was laid in a grave
to conquer all our sin;
He was raised in victory
to give eternal life through Him.
King Jesus showed Himself alive
and ascended into Heaven;
Where He now sits at the Right Hand of God
interceding for His children.
What a Wonderful Saviour we have
who gave His everything;
So when we die we do not fear
for we will go and live with Him.
~ Gary Crous ~