Kindly take time to listen to the Charismatic Chaos teachings by John MacArthur who has biblically exposed the false teachings / doctrines under this very popular movement. If you have been in the charismatic / pentecostal movement - as I was (City Harvest Church in Pietermaritzburg) - or you know genuine believers who are sitting under the charismatic / pentecostal teachings; then in love refer the brethren to these teachings. Be as the Bereans - Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so (Acts 17:11).
The charismatic movement, once considered a splinter group on the fringe of Christianity, has gained steam and entered the ‘90s at full speed. Dramatic new accounts of bizarre, supernatural events are attracting men and women hungry for religious experiences while causing others simply to ask, What is really happening here?, or more important, What should I believe?
This 12-message album thoughtfully and carefully shines the light of Scripture on teaching that is gaining a massive and loyal television following, leading to disunity on a world-wide scale, and promising to fuel controversy for years to come. Recorded by John MacArthur, these messages will help you gain an understanding of his bestseller Charismatic Chaos in a short amount of time.
1. Does God Still Give Revelation?
2. Does God Still Give Prophecies?
3. Proper Biblical Interpretation
4. Does God Do Miracles Today?
5. The Third Wave
6. How Do Spiritual Gifts Operate?
7. What Was Happening in the Early Church?
8. Does God Still Heal?
9. Speaking in Tongues
10. What Is True Spirituality?
11a. Does God Promise Health and Wealth? Part 1
11b. Does God Promise Health and Wealth? Part 2
12. Does Experience Determine Truth?