Friday, November 20, 2009

Origin into Schools Report

The Origin of Species into Schools (including a 50 page Introduction giving the Law and the Gospel of Grace by Ray Comfort) project took place on Wednesday November 18th, 2009 - a day earlier than planned - and was a huge success where 1,200 Christians delivered 170,000 free copies of Darwin's Origin of Species (150th Anniversary Edition) at 100 Top Universities.

Here is The Origin into Schools Project together with the entire 50-page Introduction by Ray Comfort in pdf format.

This is all Glory to God. Check out this Press Kit Link.

Here is also an article that appears at

Kirk Cameron poses with UCLA students and Origin of Species book.

Richard Dawkins Calls Prominent Creationist ‘Banana Man'

Join Tony and Bart for a programme dedicated to two hours of testimonies on Ambassadors' Alliance Radio (2009-044).