Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Function of the Law

This Law, then, should be arrayed in all its majesty against selfishness and enmity of the sinner. All men know that they have sinned, but all are not convicted of the guilt and ill dessert of sin. But without this they cannot understand or appreciate the Gospel method of salvation. Away with this milk-and-water preaching of a love of Christ that has no holiness or moral discrimination in it. Away with preaching a love of God that is not angry with sinners every day. ~ Charles Finney

The foolish shall not stand in your sight: you hate all workers of iniquity. ~ Psalm 5:5
Does God hate sinners? How can God hate sinners when John 3:16 says that He loves them? Norman Geisler and Thomas Howe write, "There is no contradiction in these statements. The difficulty arises when we wrongly assume that God hates in the same way men hate. Hatred in human beings is generally thought of in terms of strong emotional distaste or dislike of someone or something. However, in God, hate is a judicial act on the part of the righteous judge who separates the sinner from Himself" (When Critics Ask). (The Evidence Bible by Ray Comfort, page 709)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Unadulterated Gospel

This is just a morsel of biblical preaching; not the false doctrines and a soft gospel being preached by masquerading pastors and false teachers.

O Lord Jesus, Almighty God raise up true preachers of Your Word and annoint their tongues to proclaim Your Word in season and out of season. Amen.

Paul Washer sermon jam #1

Paul Washer sermon jam #2

Paul Washer sermon jam #3

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Necessity of Preaching

Suppose that we do not preach the gospel and warn the wicked man, so that he turns not from his iniquity. What then? Hear this voice: "He shall perish, but his blood will I require at thine hand." What will my Lord say to me if I am unfaithful to you? "Where is the blood of those people who gathered at Newington Butts? Where is the blood of that crowd that came together to hear you speak, and you did not preach the gospel to them?" Oh, it were better for me that I had never been born than that I should not preach the gospel! "Woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel" of Christ, for men perish where there is not the Word of God! ~ Charles H. Spurgeon

Share The Gospel ~ A Call to Action

If there is but One Truth, then there cannot be many ways to be saved.

Quoted here is an extract from Cameron Buettel's blog The Bottom Line:
Some of my American friends often ask me, as someone who lives in Denmark, whether western Europe is a viable mission field or "has the train already left the station". The jury is still out on that question, but my mind is made up whatever the outcome. God is going to accomplish His Sovereign purposes regardless so I will preach and be an instrument of revival - or judgment! I won't go down quietly and I will go down swinging! Pray for us, be vigilant, and preach the word the only two times you ever should - in season and out of season! (Read the full post Here)
Hi-lighted is the portion of the quote that really made me think. God will be glorified no matter what the circumstances and born again Christians are the vessels through which God will accomplish His revival or His judgment. Will we sit comfortably while sinners and those misguided by their cultic religions that they follow fall into the Hands of an Angry God? Or will we obediently let God use us as vessels of His salvation to reach those He is calling to repentance? We are bought at a price therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's (1 Corinthians 6:20). We are owned by another and He is Almighty God.

Here are blogs posted that reveals the obsession behind Islam -

* Obsession - Islam Exposed (Part 1)

* Obsession - Islam Exposed (Part 2)

The Instruction of Children

We testify that Christ is able to change man's nature, and then good fruits will come as a matter of course. But I am afraid that in many Sunday-schools the children are taught a different doctrine, somewhat after this fashion: "Now, dear children, be very good, and obey your parents, and love Jesus, and you will be saved." That is not the gospel, and it is not true. Often do I hear it said, "Love Jesus, dear children." That is not the gospel. It is, "Trust Him" - "Believe." Not love, but faith is the saving grace, and that love of Jesus of a sentimental kind, which does not spring out of faith in Him, is a spurious emotion, a counterfeit of love, not at all the love of God, shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Spirit. The root of the matter is, "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved;" and that is the gospel for a child of two years of age, and the gospel for a man of a hundred. There is only one gospel for all that are born on the face of the earth - "Believe in Jesus." ~ Charles H. Spurgeon

Friday, May 22, 2009

FIFA Confederations Cup South Africa 2009

Here is an update in respect of the FIFA Confederations Cup South Africa 2009, which e-mail Bill Adams has sent out on his mailing list. Things are definitely coming to a head and it is ALL GLORY TO GOD HIMSELF!!! Further reports will be posted here so please check back.

Sports Fan Outreach International: Super Bowl XLIV Outreach Newsletter

Edition #11
May 21, 2009


Two of us from Atlanta are departing in a month for the Confederations Cup Soccer tournament in South Africa. The Confederations Cup is the preliminary event to next year's World Cup being held also in South Africa.

The World Cup is the absolute largest sporting event on the planet. Thirty days of games throughout the entire nation.

God willing we are going back next year & this trip is to gain an understanding of ministry in South Africa.

Watch the Confederations Cup promo video to get a sense of the excitement & then register to go with us.

Confederations Cup Video Marketing Promo.

We are meeting with a brother in Johannesburg, South Africa, Gary Crous, who has been to the Ambassadors Alliance training & communicated with me after being interveiwed by Tony Miano on his blogtalk radio show.

Here is a promo for the World Cup.

World Cup 2010 video.

And for South Africa itself. South Africa video.

It's going to be an amazing time. Register today.

"Clark's Corner": "Glorifying God in your body"
Pastor Clark gives another call to holy living: "Glorifying God in your body".

Email Mike with your thoughts:

SFOI Events: MLB All-Star Celebration
This is the next event in the US for us. So pray about joining us at the Major League All-Star Celebration. It's being held from July 11 - July 14 in St. Louis, MO.

All the information & registration information is here: MLB All-Star Outreach.

Thank you & contact Information
Hope to hear from you about traveling to South Africa.

Grace, mercy & peace,

Bill Adams
1-866-646-LOVE (5683)

Sports Fan Outreach International
P.O. Box 11667
Atlanta, GA 30355

Evangelism Resources: Many Saints would be glad to "go" but can't afford it. If you have ever wanted to "Sponsor A Saint" for a particular trip or in general you can do so here: Sponsor A Saint.

MLB All-Star Celebration $300 per person.

If you give the name of the person(s) you sponsor will be sent to you.

Sermon on the Mount Saturday

This is a ** REMINDER **

The original post appeared at The Lawman's Blog.

Here's the mission:

Find a public place in your community (street corner, sidewalk, public park, etc). Stand atop a box or other sturdy object. And read the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) aloud, in the open air. Depending on how fast you read, it will take you 10-15 minutes to read the Sermon on the Mount, aloud.

Then preach the Law and the Gospel of Grace.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

By All Means Save Some

There is a door to each man's heart, and we have to find it, and enter it with the right key, which is to be found somewhere or other in the word of God. All men are not to be reached in the same way, or by the same arguments, and as we are by all means to save some, we must be wise to win souls, wise with wisdom from above. We desire to see them conquered for Christ, but no warrior uses always the same strategy, there is for one open assault, another a siege, for a third an ambush, for a fourth a long campaign. On the sea there are great rams which run down the enemy, torpedoes under water, gunboats, and steam frigates; one ship is broken up by a single blow, another needs a broadside, a third must have a shot between wind and water, a fourth must be driven on shore, even thus must we adapt ourselves, and use the sacred force entrusted to us with grave consideration and solemn judgment, looking ever to the Lord for guidance and for power. All the real power is in the Lord's hands, and we must put ourselves fully at the disposal of the divine Worker, that He may work in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure; so shall we by all means save some. ~ Charles H. Spurgeon

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cars In The Park

This past Sunday May 17, I ventured to this annual event that takes place literally on my doorstep in Pietermaritzburg. In the past I, too, went to this event to socialise and satisfy my flesh, but now I see this event through new eyes -- through the eyes of an evangelist. This is an evangelism opportunity for the drawn crowds.

Here is the tract designed specifically for the crowds who would come out today...


Welcome to Cars in the Park 2009. Today, as with any other day, you have decided to exercise your freedom and to decide how you will spend this day. You might have risen later than normal today and planned this outing on the ‘spur of the moment’, or today might have been planned by you well in advance. But, how free are you really? Do you really have true freedom? The Bible says that you are a slave to sin ... so how can you think you are free indeed?

Today there is also judging that will take place to determine which automobiles will be judged to receive the first, the second and the third prizes. (please read the reverse side ...)

Gary Crous +27 72 221 1233

(Reverse Side)
However, there is another Judgment Day that has been set aside in the future when Almighty God will judge each and every person with a perfect Law which will not grade people on a slide rule. People tend to think about everything else including attending a ‘Cars in the Park’ event than giving thought about their eternal destiny. Reality is 150 000 people die every 24 hours and if today you had to die as a slave of your sins where do you think you would spend eternity? Will you be good enough for God to let you into Heaven? Most people profess to be good, but by what standard are they basing their goodness on? What about you? To truly see if you are a good person you must use a more perfect standard to judge yourself by looking into the perfect moral Law of Almighty God. This Law is the Ten Commandments. Here goes ... How many lies have you told in your life? Half-truths, fibs, white lies? A lie is a lie and by definition God sees you as a liar. Stolen something? The size or value of the object matters not, and time does not excuse the crime. God sees you as a thief. Jesus said in old times it was said do not commit adultery, but I tell you whoever looks upon a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Matthew 5:28). Ever looked with lust? Had sexual thoughts in your mind? Indulged in fornication (had sex outside the bounds of marriage)? Homosexuality? Porn? If this is you, God will judge you as an adulterer. Ever committed murder? God’s Word says hating someone is murder (1 John 3:15). Abortion is also the murder of unborn children. Ever used God or His Son Jesus’ name to show surprise or disgust? Like, “Oh my G-D!!” This is blasphemy and it is a serious offense in the sight of God. God also says you shall have no other gods (idols) before Him. Are you guilty of idolatry? Maybe your car is your object of worship! Or do you covet (crave) other peoples’ possessions? That is greed. If you have answered “yes” to any of these violations then God sees you as a liar, a thief, an adulterer, a murderer, a blasphemer, an idolater and a coveter. If God finds you guilty and judges you for every crime you have committed against Him, as He sees your every thought, intention of the heart, every word uttered and every deed done, even those in secret, and He gives you the justice you rightfully deserve on the Day of Judgment (Acts 17:31) as a lawbreaker, then will you go to Heaven or Hell? Any person in their right mind will know that breaking the Law demands a payment and God has assigned a place called Hell as His prison for vile sinners who have transgressed His Holy Law. That is the bad news. The Good News (The Gospel) is that God is so kind and merciful that He expressed His grace and love to sinners by choosing to reveal Himself in the person of His Son Jesus Christ. Fully God and fully Man and without sin, Jesus gave us the divine standard by which we are to live. He lay down His life for sinners and went to the cross to be punished by God’s righteous wrath. You broke God’s Law and Jesus took your punishment. Your life on earth is not a game to be played by your rules. God’s precious Son Jesus took your filthy sin upon Himself and made unmerited payment with His Holy blood. He died in your place as a curse when you deserve Hell. He resurrected to life defeating death and sin. God saves by offering free Grace so no man can boast. You are not good. God is so Good to want to save evil and wicked sinners from eternal damnation. God commands righteousness, not happiness. He commands holy living. Repent before God’s throne and put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ by faith alone while you still have time. Jesus is the only way to be forgiven your sins (John 14:6). Without the Lamb of God Jesus’ precious blood your sins cannot be forgiven and you are damned.
The crowds were large this day, and if you have viewed this blog it is most probably because you were handed the above Gospel tract. Please do consider your eternal destiny. Cry out to God for His mercy upon your soul if you are not yet reconciled to Him.

These young persons are (l to r) Sarah, Ishmael, Donovan and Jason who travelled all the way from Johannesburg to attend the show -- and they also received the preaching of the Law and the Gospel. The tract can be seen in their hands.

To each and every person who received a tract and was taken through the Good Person Test or engaged in conversation; God knows who you are and His children around the world are praying for your souls.

All the Glory be to God for another awesome day out fishing.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Abandoned by God ~ Dr. John MacArthur

What does a society look like that has been abandoned by God?

Year 2009 was an election year in South Africa. At the following link "Criminalization of South Africa" which was posted by brother Dr Peter Hammond of Frontline Fellowship we can see the lawlessness in a society that professes to know God, but has rejected His commands of living righteous lives.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. ~ 2 Chronicles 7:14
Dr Peter Hammond also wrote at Africa Christian Action ~
Over 77% of South Africans claim to be Christian. Yet the escalating crime wave, pervasive corruption and prevalent decadence in South Africa testifies to the painful ineffectiveness of most churches. Pornography, prostitution, rape, gambling, drug abuse, theft and murder are destroying our country. (To read the whole article click Here.)
As we can see from the results of the recent election less than 1% of the "professing 77% Christian community" voted with their consciences and placed their mark for Christian parties. Do these professing christians realise that they are blaspheming God's Holy Name by professing one thing and going against His standards? The results can be viewed at the following Map.

It leaves one conclusion ... the people of South Africa (including the 77%) have spoken and the vast majority were not for God. How free are they really under this democracy? Not at all - they remain slaves to their sin. And sin leads to death; eternal damnation! To be free indeed read Galatians 5:1-26.

Now there has even been talk in some quarters of legalising prostitution before the 2010 World Cup. Repent sinners and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ ~ The True Gospel According to Jesus.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

"I will make you fishers of men" ~ Jesus

To try to win a soul to Christ by keeping that soul in ignorance of any truth, is contrary to the mind of the Spirit; and to endeavor to save men by mere claptrap, or excitement, or oratorical display, is as foolish as to hope to hold an angel with bird-line, or to lure a star with music. The best attraction is the gospel in its purity. The weapon with which the Lord conquers men is the truth as it is in Jesus. The gospel will be found equal to every emergency; an arrow can pierce the hardest heart, a balm which will heal the deadliest wound. Preach it, and preach nothing else. Rely implicitly upon the old, old gospel. You need no other nets when you fish for men; those your Master has given you are strong enough for the great fishes, and have meshes fine enough to hold the little ones. Spread those nets and no others, and you need not fear the fulfillment of His Word, "I will make you fishers of men." ~ Charles H. Spurgeon

While watching the first video posted here, I couldn't help thinking how these professing "Christians" berated our brothers in Christ Pastor Brett Coronado (my team leader from Ambassadors' Academy June 2008) and Mark Mackey and shouted down the preaching of the gospel. During the video clip you will hear a woman tell Brett "he must learn to preach" when in fact he was preaching the gospel and nothing else and relying implicitly upon the old, old gospel -- the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Two Scriptures jump out of the Bible -- Matthew 5:14-16 and 1 John 2:6 -- what conflicting message were those professing "Christians" sending out to the unbelievers who were standing in line? The unbelievers listened and were not hypocrites. The Word also says ~
Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love for the brethren, see that you love one another with a pure heart fervently. ~ 1 Peter 1:22
It leaves the obvious to be noted -- the hecklers were not loving towards the preachers of the gospel.

So under what teaching are they sitting? Seeing they brought an accusation against brother Brett that "he must learn to preach", we will allow the Word of God to speak for itself against the accusers ~
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. ~ 2 Timothy 4:3,4
Here is the second video...

Never Weep Over Sinners

And you, too, who are moral enough in your conversation and regular in your attendance on the outward forms of religion, you who never weep over sinners, you who never pray for them, you who never speak to them, you who leave all that to your minister, and think you have nothing to do with it, the voice of your brother's blood crieth from the ground to Heaven. ~ Charles H. Spurgeon

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Function of the Law

It is amazing for a soul to discover that God gave a law to be observed, but that its observance is not even taken into account as a means of salvation. Then why was the law given? What good are moral standards? They were not given because God had the illusion that we could conform our lives to them. God knows that we are a degenerate race and that there is nothing good in our carnal nature.

"The law serves another purpose: to show us our sins. Man is confronted with a moral law that is just and good. His mind, while acknowledging that here is the truth, confesses at the same time that he does not live according to this law. And no matter how hard he tries, he realizes he does not reach the ideal. This is how he discovers he is a lost sinner.

"This is the great purpose of the law. It teaches us what sin is and it shows us how wrong we are, just as a mirror reveals to us how filthy we are and what needs cleansing. But just as a mirror does not and cannot wash us but only reveals our condition, so the law cannot correct us but only shows what great sinners we are.

"The purpose of the law is to make you know your sin so that you will begin to pray with the psalmist, 'Do not enter into judgment with Your servant, for in Your sight no one living is righteous' (Psalm 143:2)."

~ Richard Wurmbrand
(The Evidence Bible by Ray Comfort, page 806)

Galatians 2:16 reads ~ knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.

So there is nothing else that shows you that you have sinned against God and that you need to repent and be justified. Scripture refers to the law bringing sinners to Christ (Galatians 3:24).

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Bible

On Wednesday evening May 6, 2009 our small group of evangelists met at Dale and Amanda's home. Dale, being a doctor, was however missed as he was on standby this evening. Those present were Amanda, Mark and his wife Lorraine, Regardt and his wife Lynette and their baby Leonard, Cliff, Peter and his wife Raylene and their son Christopher and myself.

We started the evening off with coffee / tea and cookies as we watched the Way of the Master DVD episode from season two which deals with "God has a wonderful plan for your life" (Kirk Cameron & Todd Friel) which was filmed when Ray Comfort and Kirk went to the 'Big Apple' NY City. It was a time of fellowship to encourage each other to go and seek the lost by looking into Scripture, encouraging one another with extra-Biblical text and allowing our Father to speak to us by what He had revealed to us being present.

Peter and Raylene were 'newbies' to our evangelism evening, although we have previously fellowshipped with them at a few house-church meetings. We do hope that they will become a part of these evangelism 'boot-camp evenings' and also join us on the streets when we go fishing for souls.

Later that evening my friend and brother in the Lord, Reghardt, gave me a gift when we drove to his home. It is "The Definded King James Bible" as he said he knows I enjoy the King James. He was given two copies from his brother-in-law -- thanks boet (an Afrikaans word for brother) for the gift.

This has prompted me to post the following that appears in this KJB. I hope you will be encouraged --

The Bible

Majestic, eternal, immutable BOOK
Inspired, inerrant, complete,
The Light of my path as I walk on life's way,
The Guide and the Lamp to my feet.

Its writings are holy and verbally true,
The unalterable Statute of Light,
For profit, for doctrine, for correction, reproof,
Infallible Guide to the right.

My Treasure, my Comfort, my Help, and my Stay,
Incomparable Measure and Rod,
Each page is replete with its textual proof,
The Bible, the exact WORD OF GOD!

By Gertrude Grace Sanborn (1904--1988)


"The Bible contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers.

Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its dicisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you. It is a traveler's map, the pilgrim's staff, the pilot's compass, the soldier's sword, and the Christian's charter.

Here paradise is restored, heaven opened, and hell disclosed. The Lord Jesus Christ is its grand Object, our good its design, and the glory of God its end. Read it slowly, frequently, and prayerfully. Let it fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet. It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure. It is given you in life, will be opened in the judgment, and remembered forever. It involves the highest responsibility, will reward the highest labor, and will condemn all who trifle with its sacred contents."
~ Author Unknown

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Deborah 13: Servant of God

Since Deborah Drapper appeared on the BBC3 documentary, Deborah has been interviewed on other radio shows and Genesis TV -- that is on Sky TV. Deborah has also appeared on Ambassadors' Alliance Radio and TRUNEWS (scroll down on the Recent Broadcasts to Tuesday April 21, 2009 to listen) together with her dad Andrew and it is a delightful interview that puts the documentary into perspective and show's this family of eleven children living for God -- following what the Word of God says and believing His promises.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6

Please also visit Deborah Drapper's Blog. Every Christian should be fighting the good fight (1 Timothy 6:12) before many witnesses.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

IPL Cricket ~ Sahara Stadium Kingsmead, Durban

On Friday May 1st, 2009 – a public holiday known as Worker’s Day – my family and I together with Gerald traveled to Monteseel to visit my in-laws and to allow my wife, son and grandson to visit my father-in-law while Gerald and I headed off to Durban on our evangelism mission. Durban is situated 85 kms from Pietermaritzburg on the east coast of the province KwaZulu-Natal. This cosmopolitan city is known as Surf-City. This day we would be outside the Sahara Stadium Kingsmead’s gates at the Indian Premier League match between the Bangalore Royal Challengers and the Kings XI Punjab teams.

Since the IPL requested Cricket South Africa to help them out by staging the Twenty/20 format, due to the terrorist problems India experienced in the Mumbai attacks earlier this year, it would appear that this format of the game would appeal to the large Asian community in South Africa, and more specifically in Durban where the Indian community dominates the surrounding areas. Some people have even referred to this community as “the little India”. This was the mission before us - to hand out tracts, witness one-to-one, read Scripture and open-air preach the Law and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to what turned out to be crowds of approximately 98% Asian persuasion.

From the dress, religious symbols and appearances it was evident that those attending were predominantly of the Muslim and Hindu religions and other Asian cults, as well as some professing Christians and those who don’t believe.

We started out by handing out the following tract, designed specifically for this particular event with a Q & A on cricket trivia from the IPL 2007/2008 season followed with the Law and the Gospel presentation on the reverse side:


QUIZ ~ Q & A
(Test your knowledge and please do not cheat by looking at the answers first)
1. What was the highest total scored?

2. What were the largest victory margins by runs? By wickets?

3. Which Kings XI Punjab batsman scored the most runs in 2007/08?

4. Who scored the most sixes in an innings?

5. What were the best bowling figures in an innings?

6. What were the names of the top two teams in the standings?

7. What holidays do South Africans commemorate on 27th April and 1st May?

~ Please read the reverse side for more knowledge ~
Answers*: 1) 240/5 by Chennai vs. Punjab. 2) 140 runs by Kolkata vs. Bangalore and 10 wickets by Deccan vs. Mumbai. 3) SE Marsh – 616 runs. 4) BB McCullum (Kolkata) 13 vs. Bangalore. 5) Sohail Tanvir 6/14 (Rajasthan) vs. Chennai. 6) Rajasthan 22 points and Punjab 20 points. 7) Freedom Day and Worker’s Day.
* Answers (except 7) were verified on IPL internet sites and are taken as being correct as at 29th April 2009.

Gary Crous +27 72 221 1233

Now that you have answered the questions on the reverse side of this handout ~ how did you score? Some right? Most right? All right? We tend to know a lot about our sport and worldly matters, but spend little to no time thinking about the million dollar question which will make every other question you have ever answered appear to be insignificant. Do you know what will happen to you the day you will die and pass into eternity? People tend to think about everything else including attending a Twenty/20 cricket match than thinking about their eternal destiny. Reality is 150 000 people die every 24 hours and you are guaranteed one thing in this life ~ someday you will also die. If you should die today, will you be good enough for Almighty God to let you into Heaven? Most people profess to be good, but by what standard are they basing their goodness on? What about you? To truly see if you are a good person you must use a more perfect standard to judge yourself by looking into the perfect moral Law of Almighty God. This Law is the Ten Commandments. Here goes … How many lies have you told in your life? Half-truths, fibs, white lies? A lie is a lie and by definition God sees you as a liar. Stolen something? The size or value of the object matters not, and time does not excuse the crime. God sees you as a thief. Jesus said in old times it was said do not commit adultery, but I tell you whoever looks upon a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Matthew 5:28). Ever looked with lust? Had sexual thoughts in your mind? Indulged in fornication (had sex outside the bounds of marriage)? Homosexuality? Porn? If this is you, God will judge you as an adulterer. Ever committed murder? God’s Word says hating someone is murder (1 John 3:15). Abortion is also the murder of unborn children. Ever used God or His Son Jesus’ name to show surprise or disgust? Like, “Oh my G-D!!” This is blasphemy and it is a serious offense in the sight of God. God also says you shall have no other gods (idols) before Him. Are you guilty of idolatry? If you have answered “yes” to any of these violations then God sees you as a liar, a thief, an adulterer, a murderer, a blasphemer and an idolater. If God finds you guilty and judges you for every crime you have committed against Him, as He sees your every thought, intention of the heart, every word uttered and every deed done, even those in secret, and He gives you the justice you rightfully deserve on the Day of Judgment (Acts 17:31) as a lawbreaker, then will you go to Heaven or Hell? Any person in their right mind will know that breaking the Law demands a payment and God has assigned a place called Hell as His prison for sinners who have transgressed His Holy Law. That is the bad news. The Good News is that God is so kind and merciful that He expressed His grace and love to sinners by choosing to reveal Himself in the person of His Son Jesus Christ. Fully God and fully Man and without sin, Jesus gave us the divine standard by which we are to live. He lay down His life for sinners and went to the cross to be punished by God’s righteous wrath. You broke God’s Law and Jesus took your punishment. Your life on earth is not a game to be played by your rules. God’s precious Son Jesus took your filthy sin upon Himself and made unmerited payment with His Holy blood. He resurrected to life defeating death and sin. God saves by offering free Grace so no man can boast. You are not good. God is so Good to want to save evil and wicked sinners from eternal damnation. Repent before God’s throne and put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ by faith alone while you still have time.
From using question 7 on the tract, our main springboard would be: What does freedom mean to you? As you will see from the following clip, I read Galatians 5:1-26 to show the True meaning of liberty (freedom) in Christ Jesus our Lord. [Please forgive the shaky filming of the clip as the cameraman is still in training :) - what is more important is that the clip is to encourage our brothers and sisters to step out in faith and believe God will work the miracles of having you out there seeking and saving that which is lost – as Jesus did (Luke 19:10)].

The game had commenced and we decided to leave and to head on home. This is a view of Warriors Gate opposite the stadium as the sun was going down. God painted a wonderful sunset for us…

And inside the stadium, we knew idolatry was taking place. We pray that the idolaters who came to their “shrine” will repent and worship the only True God Jesus Christ and stop their evil and wicked worship of their Bollywood stars and the cricket players (their idols). There is a difference to supporting and worshipping. We hope and pray God will show His Goodness and Mercy and cause the false worshippers (idolaters) to repent of their evil and wicked ways.