A while ago whilst we were out on Church Street evangelising during our lunch break, Mark McDonogh was approached by a young African man named Mpho and his girlfriend. They enquired why we were on the streets and Mark explained to them that we were evangelising and he also witnessed to them. Regardt Reynolds, Neville le Roux and myself were out with Mark that day, and later Mark told us that the two persons he spoke to were Seventh-Day Adventists from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (Pietermaritzburg) Campus. They had asked him to bring a team of evangelists to the campus to show them how to evangelise the way we do and to be a part of the outreach they would be undertaking.
We agreed, and made them aware that we would gladly attend to preach the Law and the Gospel of Grace. This not only gave us an opportunity to witness to many students - and yes we also have the atheists / agnostics who believe in evolution here in South Africa, too - but it was an answer to prayer as we had been hoping to get on campus someday. We also told the ministry leader Mpho, who was hosting us, that we would not be there under their denomination. We were there to preach Jesus Christ and uplift His Holy Name.
That day arrived on Tuesday September 8, 2009 and we had some wonderful God-given conversations with many students. Although we never had a full-time cameraman available, you will get the feel of a day well spent preaching the Gospel on campus for the first time by us newbies.

Johan with students under a tree - I had taken the guys to the left through the Law and the Gospel earlier.

Mark and Johan preaching the Word.

Regardt witnessing to a student while his wife Lynette and their son Leonard are seated nearby on the grass.

Preaching the Law and the Gospel of Grace using their sound equipment.

Some students only too happy to receive and show off "The Little Book of Big Questions" Gospel Tract.

The Seventh-Day Adventist Student Movement members praying some of the prayer requests placed in "prayer boxes".
Please check out the following link from the website CARM why
Seventh-Day Adventism is a cult religion / denomination. Their doctrine is not biblical in all respects according to the inerrant infalliable Word of God.
Please pray for the Adventists that they will come to repentance and faith in the only true and living God - Jesus Christ as both Lord and Saviour.