Last weekend September 20, 2009 Johan and I went to Zakhe Agricultural College to attend the school's church service. It was also the last service for the Third Term as the short vacation would commence shortly. To our surprise we were asked to come up on stage by Mr Manyoni, who was to preach that day, who surpringly told the congregation that as we were visiting he would hand over the service to us to conduct the preaching of the Word and bring a message that God has asked us to share! Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season: (2 Timothy 4:9), the Apostle Paul exhorted Timothy. Why should it be any different for us? Wow, how will God glorify Himself? Johan did an introduction before handing the preaching over to me. Gulp!! No - i was merely the vessel for God to use. It is not i that preached. God's Word does not need my input - God's Word speaks for itself.
The Scripture preached was Luke 16:19-31 - The Rich Man and Lazarus. It was preaching from the text, explaining exactly what our Lord Jesus was saying about a real place called heaven and a real place called hell and those real people being Abraham and Lazarus in heaven and the rich man who found himself in torment in hell. Standing before the school of about a hundred in attendance and using the text of a real heaven and a real hell, the Word of God spring boarded into asking the questions - What will happen to your soul once you die? And where are you headed? God is good in providing the words you are to speak. There is only one Gospel and the Holy Spirit will faithfully preach the Good News. From there God's Law was held up as a mirror into which the congregants could look and be examined - the Ten Commandments was working its work. The Law was expounded upon from One through Ten and then the Grace and Mercy of God was preached that sin can only be forgiven through the love expressed upon the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ to life by sinners repenting of their sin and trusting in Jesus Christ - letting Him be both Lord and Saviour. Blessed be the Wonderful Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. May God be always glorified as our sovereign, majestic and Holy Father and God of gods, Lord of lords, a great God (Deuteronomy 10:17).
On Saturday September 28, 2009 as a family we decided to treat the Shange family to an outing at Midmar Dam - 25kms from Pietermaritzburg. For Phillip's family it was for some of them a first time they had been to the dam. While there Phillip saw some fishermen at the water's edge and said we should go over.
Arriving there we found Iqbal (Muslim, ex-Christian) and Dominique (professing Christian). We started in the natural speaking about fishing and then became fishers of men by bringing up the Spiritual things of God. We took them through the Good Person Test and it was while we were going into the Gospel of Grace that the Muslim man asked me to show him that Jesus is God. I preached the supernatural birth of Jesus Christ - God revealing Himself in the person of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin named Mary (Luke 1:34,35) - a birth never to be repeated again. His name Immanuel - God with us (Matthew 1:23) and when I asked Iqbal if this made sense he said it did. The reason of Jesus going to the cross made more sense to him and his friend. Dominique even told some of their friends that were trying to call him away to "possibly get up to no good" that they must go ahead without him. This allowed us to answer some of his questions he posed to us - types of music that a person listens to? drinking? smoking? making copies of Cd's? etc. From the questions being asked we knew his conscience was at work accusing him (Romans 2:15). It was a wonderful time witnessing at the edge of a dam as fishers of men.
From start to finish it was sweet fellowship in the presence of Almighty God. The preaching was perfect allowing God's Word to speak - not perfect because of my efforts. I have nothing to boast in the Word that went forth. Phillip translated the Scriptures as I preached once again - I am not surprised - the Word transcended any words I could ever speak as the Law and the Gospel of Grace spoke the Truth to their consciences. At the end of the sermon I asked the congregation if there were any questions when our silent guest, Mr Dlamini broke out in praise praising God for the Word spoken. He had heard the falsehoods preached before at the previous "apostles" of God service and now was praising the Word preached at this service. We sing praises to God Most High.
Be instant in season, out of season.