Welcome back... I had been preaching from the Scriptures Romans 1:16-32 in the direction of the City Hall, projecting my voice whilst competing with the steady flow of traffic.

These are some of the faces who passed by and hopefully heard the preaching of the Law and the Gospel of Grace...

And the reason for projecting the level of my voice? There was a gathering crowd overflowing from the City Hall as can be seen behind my son Chad’s head...

My feet carried me across the road. Soon I was in amongst the students, their family and friends handing out tracts. Next I know I was preaching and beseeching the crowd to repent and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I recall saying this might be an important day in your life, but there is a much more important Day when you will have to stand before Almighty God on the Day of Judgment and give an accounting of your life to Him. Will God say Woza (Come) into heaven or Hamba (Go) into hell.

You must test yourself against the Ten Commandments. Have you ever told lies? That makes you a liar. Ever stolen anything, size or value does not matter? Then you are a thief. Jesus said whoever looks with lust is an adulterer at heart. Maybe you have murdered someone. You don’t have to shoot or knife anyone, but calling people by bad names is murder of the heart. Worshiping ancestors is idolatry and the Bible says you only have to call on and pray in One name, and that is the name of Jesus Christ. No other name, not Makhatini, not Crous, no other name.

The Good News is God became a Man in the person of Jesus Christ -- fully God and fully Man and without sin. He came to show us how to live but man has rejected His ways. Jesus then went to the cross to die a painful and bloody death upon the cross in your place for your sins. He paid a fine He did not owe for crimes He did not commit. Jesus was laid in a tomb and on the third day He was raised to life forever defeating the grave and death. More than 500 witnesses testified to seeing Him alive and for 40 days He continued performing miracles and healing people where after He ascended into heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father and Jesus will return one day at the Father's choosing to judge the world in righteousness. Please people you need to apologize to God for your sins against Him and repent of your sins and trust in Jesus Christ alone for what He did for you upon the cross. Don’t leave it too late.

After preaching I thanked the crowd for listening and continued handing out tracts, engaging a few people in short dialogue advising them that the tract deals with life, death and standing before a just and holy God on the Day of Judgment.

All the Glory to Him -- Jesus is worthy of all the praises.
The day’s fishing was not yet complete. On our way home we stopped off at Jonathan Spar to buy groceries. When we go to Spar, we now see this as an opportunity not only to buy physical food, but to feed lost souls with spiritual food. Tammy went to do the shopping and I fished the car park.

Phillip and these two ladies had me proclaim the Law and the Gospel of Grace to them after starting off with the question: What is going to happen to you the day you die?

Kyle -- he said he attends a New Apostolic Church. I took him through the Law and the Gospel of Grace and beseeched him to examine himself to see if he is in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5)
Lastly, Frank (a Shembe follower) and Sipho (a Roman Catholic) were engaged in conversation with the emphasis on them following after religious practices that have you believing everything but the Truth. The main concern was that both worship ancestors. Look at Sipho’s right wrist -- he has a cow hide bangle. This is the tell tale sign of ancestor worshipers. They are idolaters worshipping false gods.
Once again I request that we please pray for these souls who received tracts and heard the proclamation of the Law and the Gospel of Grace that they will not harden their hearts should God cause them to repent and be born again from above.
This was a tremendous day of fishing for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.