Here is a link to The Real Nativity Story: Surprising Truths You May Not Know! Read the article and examine it against Scripture from the Gospels of Luke and Matthew and you will see Jesus was born in the autumn, possibly in late September / early October. As a family last night we read the article and compared it against God's Word -- awesome, amazing.
This is the deception of the Roman Catholic church. This extract is from Christmas A Biblical Perspective. The birthday of Mithra (the sun god) was December 25. Instead of opposing this idolatry, the Catholic church literally made up the idea that December 25 was Christ's birthday, and celebrated the pagan holiday with a new name, "Christmas." In a children's book entitled Christmas (by Jane Duden), the following is said:

One of the most popular pagan festivals was Saturnalia .... People gave gifts to each other and prepared special foods. They decorated their homes with green branches. Everywhere, people stopped work to join in the celebration.
Christian leaders did not have an easy time converting non-Christians (or pagans) to the Christian religion. Pagans liked their harvest and winter festivities. They did not want to give them up. That is why, over the years, popes (the spiritual rulers of the Roman Catholic church) and church leaders allowed many favorite ancient customs to become part of Christmas celebrations. (p. 8-9)

I have been duped and I repent to our Lord. I am thankful to God for lovingly revealing all Truth. My family and I will not be celebrating this pagan holiday. What we will do is use this information to ask unbelievers why they celebrate christmas and then present the Truth, the Law and the Gospel of Grace.