Since time past when I left the institutional church, as we know it - the traditional church, by the grace of God I am now in fellowship with other believers who are also pursuing the organic Church that we read of in the New Testament. I am learning what it must have been like in the first century Church that we read in the Book of Acts and Paul's epistles. God is gracious in that the Holy Spirit has us continually repenting of our sins. Many of us - if not all at some time - have been raised to see church through the eyes of man's traditions and have failed to experience the life of Christ in His Body.
There are two books that have started to help us as we come together under the Headship of Jesus Christ. God is doing a work and we are coming to the realisation that what we perceive to be church practice is in fact missing the ekklesia practiced in Scripture. There must be more that Father wants to give us than what we are receiving in the church buildings. We know God works in every situation, but are we allowing Him to work as He intended or are we following after a whole new set of rules ordained by man? If so, we are then creating a false god in how we do church - we are following after man and his traditions rather than the True God of the Bible. (As Paul said, “The manifold wisdom of God – which is Christ – is known through the ekklesia.”)
We need to start asking the correct questions. Why do we see the vast majority of Christians sitting comfortable in the pews on Sunday and are idle in their love and pursuit of the lost? Or possibly showing no growth and lack of Spiritual fruit? Can the reasons be because we are not doing Church by the Bible?
Here are some links to challenge us believers -
* Reimagining Church Blog by Frank Viola
* Pagan Christianity? and Reimagining Church
* Audio Interview with George Barna and Frank Viola
* A Jesus Manifesto by Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola
The Night Before Christmas* (2024)
‘Twas the night before Christmas, and strange as it seems; I wasn’t
indulging in covetous dreams. But reading my Bible, I searched for a clue;
Why Christia...
2 months ago