Earlier I had prayed as the 'dreaded fear' was gripping me and I asked God to take control of the situation as I did not want to do anything in my own strength. I prayed for God to lead me and give me His strength to accomplish what He has already ordained.
God is Awesome!! I felt calm after praying to God for His protection and ventured out of my parked vehicle. It is so humbling to know God is in control of every situation. At this point I placed a pink parking ticket tract under the vehicles' windshield wipers and made my way along engaging some groups of people in one2three and more conversations. The boldness was increasing with every step I took - not because of any of my efforts, but by the grace of our loving Father.
It was a wonderful time spent preaching the Word of God to lost souls as our Lord Jesus gave me utterance. There were the professing Christians who would walk on by and say "I am saved" (but they were apparently indifferent to the plight of the lost) and then there were also Christians who encouraged the preaching of the Word of God. I did the Project Ezra reading from the Gospel of John from chapter 1 through 7 -- intermittently pausing in between chapters and verses to expound upon the Word of God, to open the Law and preach Grace through the Saviour of Who's birth we are celebrating. I also brought to the persons' attention that celebrating Christmas is not about Santa Claus, father Christmas, presents, Christmas trees and/or parties, but the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ -- Almighty God revealing Himself in the person of His Son to be the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29).
I thank God for His Goodness in allowing me to do His will -- not that I deserve to be used of the LORD. It is an awesome privilege to be able to speak the Word of God in public to those who are dying in their sin. The Truth the inhabitants of Pietermaritzburg heard last night is -- If you die in your sin because you have rebelled against God by breaking all His commandments and also because you have rejected God's Son the Lord Jesus Christ you will be punished for eternity. Your only hope is repenting of your sin and trusting in Jesus Christ for His finished work upon the cross to be your Saviour to save the repentant sinner. Jesus is to be both Lord and Saviour of your life. There is no other way to receive eternal life.